The Power of Thinking Positive 2020

It's a New Year - say hello to 2020. You likely have made, and probably already failed your New Year Resolutions, and we are not even 2 weeks in. Wishful thinking is likely the culprit. You wrote down a wish list with no deep thought or intention to do the hard work it would take to actually make that list happen.
I mean, it felt good in the moment right, you took a second and thought about the things you wanted to change from the past year, and it came out in a wish list. No shame there. You have a desire for things to be different. You tried, even if it was haphazardly, or maybe you didn't do it at all, and for that I don't blame you either. New Years Resolutions are not my favorite - I would rather look at it all a bit differently for true change, not just one new day dictating this need for a "resolution."
Here's what wisdom has taught me. If you want something in this life, be prepared to fight for it. Know up front it will be difficult, it will be hard, but IF it's worth it to you, you will press through and not accept failure.
We could back up and make a whole article on "IF it's worth it to you" but maybe another time. Today lets continue on topic - I mean lets be real here, you will fail multiple times at multiple things on your way to success, but learning from each step not only forward, but more importantly learning from those backward ones that you didn't intend to take - well, that's what will grow you, and instead of quitting, if you stay the course, you will ultimately conquer.
So we started this little article with the title of "The power of positive thinking"- a great book written back in 1952 by Norman Vincent Peale, that is still very relevant today. Gotta tell ya - I've heard of it, but never read it, until now. This book is true WISDOM - I hope you will pick up a copy. Yes, maybe you, like I, have read numerous books on positive thinking, but there's something different about this one.
For starters, there's the God factor - or the faith component that makes all the difference. Like my pastor said a couple of weeks ago, "biblical hope is found in promises of Gods word, unlike worldly hope, that is just a WISH." Sounds like many peoples NY Resolution list right? An ultimate wish list, usually all about world possessions. "Biblical hope is much more than positivity or even positive thinking, it is a confident hope in the future." (in all aspect of your life) This type of hope is contagious and a gift from God, that the impossible is indeed possible.
So no matter if your mind is set on a healthier family life, or better relationships in 2020, or building that dream business, or traveling, or making more money, or whatever tickles your fancy - here's to changing your thought process about it all, and incorporating faith along the path.
Lets start here - a few tips from chapter 1 to change your mindset.
Picture yourself succeeding - get that mental picture and hang onto it for dear life. See yourself as you want to be.
Replace negative thoughts deliberately with a positive one - do it quick and often, as soon as the negative ones come in, and oh, they do come in - spend NO time there, immediately convert it to a positive. It's wishful thinking to think that we can skip this one. Do it.
Minimize obstacles in your mind. We can obviously come up with numerous reasons why we can NOT conquer or do something different, excuses more like it, that we try to convince ourselves are truths. They are NOT. Be aware of the thoughts that come to mind and minimize those obstacles. Go back to #1 if needed, and picture yourself succeeding.
Don't be awestruck by someone else or their life/lifestyle. Be yourself. There's no one, not ONE person on this earth exactly like you - pretty impressive if you ask me! Look how cool you are! Be you, and aim for a better version of you each and every day. Ps - those people you admire are probably winging it just like you are! They've got fears and things that hold them back - worry about you and just stay YOUR course.
Positive affirmations - repeat 10x daily "If God be for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31 FYI -The answer is No one - if God is for you - No one can succeed as being against you and guess what.... he IS for YOU!
Self knowledge leads to a cure - every time. Knowing yourself is powerful in healing and moving forward. If that means you get a counselor or a coach to help you figure some things out - do it. You might need to look at the origin of your self doubt to truly overcome it. For some people it's something from childhood, for others its life's experiences or upbringing, or it could be failures that you've held onto the guilt for too long. I know this - knowing yourself - why you act, talk, think the way you do can be very powerful, not only in changing this year and all of it's hopeful outcomes, but in all areas of your life, permanently. Knowing what motivates you and even what makes your resist - it's powerful. Im a firm believer in working on yourself always.
More positive affirmations - repeat 10 x daily "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13
Honestly estimate your ability - then raise it 10% because we all know we can have, do and be more IF we really want to, and more often than not, we underestimate ourselves. So raise that bar another 10%.
Put yourself in God's hands by saying "I am in Gods hands" - I like the simple ones - just say it, that's it. Say it until you feel it and then, still, keep saying it.
And finally - Remind yourself that God is with you and nothing can defeat you.
We will end with the above 10 tips - I think that's plenty for today. I would much rather you start HERE than some grandiose New Years Resolution. So happy start to this wonderful, awesome and amazing year.
So HELLO 2020 - it's gonna be a great one. It starts here and it starts with changing your mindset and including the power of positive thinking along with faith into your daily routine.