Meet Gina Freels, CPLC
I am a believer in people. I love to sing, although it comes out in a hum since I can't really sing, or more likely you wouldn’t want me to, if ya know what I mean. In a life where we have choices, I choose to be happy and grateful.
I will always root for the underdog because I feel a deep connection to those that have to fight for what they want in life, or even to find out WHO they truly are.
I find simple things in life beautiful - there’s such joy in simplicity and slowing down to take in the small stuff that you might otherwise miss. In stillness is where YOU can be found. Sit in nature. Breathe. Feel & listen for all that is around you. Quiet your mind. Read a book of interest. Take up a new hobby. Dance like no ones watching. Do something that broadens your prospective. Question & experience everything….because…..why NOT?
More about me - I spent close to thirty years in Corporate America, and over half of those years simultaneously multi-tasking as a self employed entrepreneur, while being a mom, wife and daughter.
After I retirement, I started to soul search, to take a closer look at who I was, and what I truly wanted to be and how to use my strengths, skills and God given talent for the good of others. This led me down the path of becoming a Certified Life Coach, but that was only the beginning. What followed was a life/soul journey & awakening. A stirring in my spirit to all this “IS”…. I became what I call a seeker. A seeker of truth. In that search, and being a life long student of personal development, I became certified in Quantum Touch Energy Healing.
I understand busy, and understand that sometimes its a process to figure out what your purpose & passions in life truly are. Im here to help in that journey alongside you. Having been married 34 years and raised, 2, now grown children, while being a successful entrepreneur, lets say I’ve had quite a bit of life experience that I would love to pass along.
Somehow through life ups and downs, I was bold enough to believe that anything is possible in my life, and through my own journey and failures, I gained confidence, self worth and empowerment that I want all women and men to experience; to know that you ARE good enough, you are accepted by the one who matters most, and that anything is possible for your life.
I am a bad ass mother - ok so that’s just the awesome words off the front of a card my daughter gave me that now hangs in my office, and also the title of a fun book I read, “You ARE a badass” so maybe there’s something to it, or I want there to be something to it - but really, doesn’t everyone want to be bad ass at something in life? If you knew that you were divinely and uniquely created and were able to walk in your truest self - what would that look like for you? Are you living in all that you are capable of and created for?
I don’t know about you - but I desire wisdom. I want to be an influencer for good. I want to help make the world a better place. I want to share joy, faith and all things good so you can see your life and yourself as you truly are - a divine spiritual being. You are gifted. Your are creative, and you matter.
This site is about me, but not really about me. It is about sharing myself with you to empower you to believe in yourself, to know that you ARE worthy and capable of anything. I want you to know it’s never too late and miracles still happen. This site is here to help inspire you to become more of the true YOU.
Let the words move you, and if you need a little help moving forward or talking through things, lets talk - remember, I’m a Certified Professional Life Coach, combining energy healing when necessary to help my clients find their bad ass self by conquering fear, gaining confidence, and living life on purpose.
Each coaching sessions is 45 minutes long, and is focused on YOU and YOUR agenda. Theres are packages for every budget. Reach out if you need me.
More about coaching: I work with women who want a more fulfilling life than what they currently live. Many of these women struggle with a busy schedule, while seceretly desiring to live a fulfilled life, one that taps into their God given purpose and unique talents.
These women are wanting to identify a plan of personal growth to conquer fear, gain confidence and live on purpose.
What makes me and my services different from other coaches is that I can relate as a busy woman, a mom and successful entrepenuer. Im genuine and low key, and having conquered my own fears, now get to coach and teach others to become the (badass) God designed you to be - yes you. This means that my clients benefit from my personal knowledge, life experience, coaching and mentorship to make necessary changes.
I would love to coach you through your life experience if our paths align.
Until then, feel free to borrow my wildest belief that you are flippin amazing, that is until you have your own belief, and when you do, pay it forward and hold belief for the next gal.
- G
Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Alumni of Christian Coach Institute