Coronavirus COVID-19 Fear Update

Im guessing you know exactly what COVID-19 is and the havoc and uncertainty it's creating across the globe. I won't waste time with the details, because I'm sure you are getting an overload of information from every source out there, and you, like me, have likely received the millionth email (maybe a slight exaggeration, maybe not) about how establishments and organizations are dealing with the crisis.
Is it just me, but when I leave the house, I feel like I'm in the movie Zombieland - expecting people that I come across to start foaming from the mouth at any given moment. I mean, yes, it IS a little crazy out there, especially in the grocery stores! When you can't find the basic items you need, people are frantic and the shelves are barren..... Fear and panic have definitely escalated in most peoples lives - and yet not ALL.
I see two things rising rapidly - FEAR OR FAITH - and one can not exist with the other. Repeat that last part out loud so you can truly hear it .... I had to do it as well. ONE can NOT exist with the other. It's one OR the other.
Which one is it for you? No shame here in the answer, we can all get caught up in the unknown. I felt the media's spiral of negativity before I was even aware it was having an affect on me, and once aware, made a conscious effort to choose faith instead - and let me tell you, it's a daily challenge. If we don't feed our mind & thoughts with FAITH - there's no question where we will end up... fearful.
Fear - It's the thing we gravitate to without much effort. We have to make a conscious effort to fight against fear, and the only thing that fights a good fight is faith. Being aware of what you are allowing to reign in your thought process is the first step to correcting it.
And news.... Can we honestly say we believe the news anymore, that it's not biased one direction or the other? Think of how you feel after watching the news...scared and fearful or uplifted? Exactly! I made a decision many years ago to not watch the news. I've come to realize that if a headline is big enough, trust me, you will hear about it - and in the meantime, you don't sweat the small stuff - it actually has a way of working itself out.
Especially if you deal with anxiety or depression, just go ahead and do yourself a favor and turn the TV off now- it serves NO purpose other than to feed the fear building inside you. Worrying about something that might not happen is taxing on your body as much as it is your mind.
Beyond the worriers, do you also see other views that are based around FAITH? I do, and let me tell you - the difference in their posts and outlook during this same pandemic is quite different.
The positive encouragement is enlightening against the dark grey background of fear. Where all is dark, the light shines the brightest. Words of inspiration, not desperation. Words of laughter, humor and encouragement. Words of faith.
So you have good intentions, and want to let go of the fear and negativity, but it's hard - especially during a time like now, I get it. Here's a few tips that might help.
True peace can only be found in knowing Christ. That's the first step - and not just knowing about God - but truly desiring to have a relationship with him. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your MINDS in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:7
Allow these verses from the bible to comfort you - say them aloud at least 3 times, or as many times as needed.
Psalm 9:9-11 says "When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm. How then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us? God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm."
Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God." Another versions says "Surrender your anxiety, be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God."
Sometimes in a state of chaos around us, we need to simply be still and know that God is still in control. Let go of trying to control things yourself. Nothing surprises him. He does not sleep. He still sits on the throne. He knows all. He sees you. You are important. You are loved & cared for. You are precious. You matter.
"If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31 - another great verse to put on repeat. If God is for us, who can be against us? NO ONE is the answer - his name is above all other names, which means he conquers ALL - there is no worry and no fear in that, only peace when you fully understand and take it to heart.
"Cast your cares on him for he cares for you" or another translation "Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7
So how do we develop more FAITH to counter our sometimes crazy world? Ask for it. Seek it. Give yourself a break from media and choose to saturate your mind instead with good & positive, Christ like things.
Spend an hour today reading or listening to something positive (pick up a Bible - The Passion translation is my fave & super simple to understand, or might I recommend a book, The power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, which I believe ever human being absolutely needs to read.)
You must put in what you want to get out. Feed your mind fear, you will breed more fear. Feed your mind faith - it will begin to think differently, and then to act differently.
To understand more - lets look at a simple analogy - I heard a story about orange juice this week - an orange being squeezed to make orange juice. It would be silly to think something other than ORANGE juice would come out when the orange is squeezed, because it is...hello ...and ORANGE, not an apple or a pear or any other fruit - an orange produces only orange juice.
Just like the orange, we, in times of uncertainty.... hello coronavirus... when squeezed, aka stressed - only what is IN us will come OUT of us. Pause and think for a moment of your life the past week - was it Fear OR Faith that was squeezed out of you? One or the other emerged.
If you are tired of living in fear or uncertainty - why not go to the one who created all and ask for his peace. The one who knows you - your heart, your thoughts and who cares deeply for you.
Lets close with this - a prayer from a wonderful book I'm reading - it pretty much covers everything and should leave you with more peace than you came with.
"I place this day, my life, my loved ones, my work in the Lord's hands. There is no harm in the Lord's hands, only good. Whatever happens, whatever results, if I am in the Lord's hands it is the Lords will and it IS GOOD." Amen
It IS well my friend. Praying peace over you right now in the mighty name of Jesus.