What keeps you up at night?

What fuels you to do the things that you do? When you lie awake, dreaming of all that you desire in this life of yours - what comes to mind, or do you even take time to think about these things?

  • What dreams are still buried inside? 

  • What regrets do you have, if any? 

  • How is the quality of the relationships in your life, and how does that affect you? 

  • What makes you happy and at peace?

  • What do you think about God & faith, and how is that evident in your life? 

  • How do you choose positivity when the victim or blame mentality tries to creep in?

  • How do you love & build up others instead of assume, gossip and compare yourself to them?

Taking responsibility in our life is so hard, but so necessary.

Sometimes we need little nudge, a reminder that with anything extraordinary in life, it can seem difficult before it's easy, and for true change, there's always some price to pay. Time, money, sacrifice, growth, new habits, etc. Heck, I've been in work mode, parent mode, vacation mode, build mode, search mode, rest mode, take AND give mode. 

"Is it worth it?" is a question I want you to ask yourself. If you could do it all over, would you choose the same path because of what you learned, or would you make different choices? And please know that whatever that answers is, you can choose today to make new decisions.

I started having the desire to do something different in life when I realized I was in what felt like the rat race of life, dropping off kids for school, hustling to an 8-5 job, rushing home to pick up said kiddos up, then onto figuring out dinner - which if you know me, is quite a task given my inability to have any sort of proper chef skills..... it hit me - I am discontent. Now what to do about it?

Don't get me wrong - there's nothing wrong with feeling this feeling of discontentedness, its just what you do on the back side of it that will either lead you into a life of regret, or you will fight with every ounce of your being to overcome and make necessary changes to get a different outcome. I made sacrifices of time, energy and money. I was in balance and out of balance and learned through it all. In the end - was it worth it? I wouldn't change a thing!

With every step out of my comfort zone, at the time, I hated it because its uhhh.....unCOMFORTable. But what came on the back side of walking through fears and conquering what others said I could not, well it helped create the me of today. 

Today I stand as an entrepreneur, a leader in network marketing, a certified life coach, an author, a mom, daughter and wife, a child of god who understands that we are all gifted in unique ways and that everyone should have the opportunity to become who they were truly created to be.

Im a woman who writes blogs and I don't care who reads it, if it helps ONE person. A woman who leads book club calls for the hope that ONE person will be changed because of the personal growth in simply participating by making it simple to read one chapter a week vs staring at an unread book. A person who leads a women small group in my local church because I want all women to know they matter and should be happy, healthy and whole, full of confidence, joy & contentment and know that they ARE enough.

See, In figuring me out, maybe I can help you - feel free to borrow my belief for you, until you have your own. Feel free to connect with me so I can root you on. I want you to know that anything is possible. I want you to see how incredibly unique god has made you and while change may not be easy, its possible.

So here's to you and the things you dream about. Here's to YOU becoming your unique and badass self and living the life you were created to live. Here's to you achieving that bucket list now, conquering fear and having no regrets.