Misused Time

Have you ever misused your time? “Heaven’s NO” You say….. as sweat forms on your brow and you get a little antsy….. of course we have…. you have… I have! Our human nature tends to want to say “Nope…. I’m great - I always make the best decisions….Im good!” Ha Ha Ha…. breathe and let it all out like you’ve been holding your breath for way to long….. Verbally SIGH out loud…..laugh with me please, It’s ok - we have ALL misused plenty of time.

Give you an example you say? Why Yes… I do have one.

The hubs was gonna be gone for a few days. In my mind I had imagined all the amazing things I wanted to do while he was gone - from writing, doing fun stuff with the kids and grand-baby, to cleaning the house immaculately and a million other things, including a fantastic workout, all while relaxing, reading and doing self care. A little overzealous…. maybe so. I had good intentions.

The point is there are always lessons to learn, even when you don’t make the right choices.

Case in point… the first few hours were great, I spent time with grand-baby and kiddos, then tried to cram everything I wanted to do into the evening. Coffee in hand, numerous books out to read, journals for journaling, computer for writing - you get the idea, the table was full.

I pretty much tried to force everything I wanted to do into a 2 hours time span, because I had limited time to cram it into. As I wrote, or tried to gather my thoughts to write, nothing came out right. The flow was off because I wasn’t in the divine flow…. I was making something happen just because it was on my list of 50 things to do before time ran out.

I looked at the clock and had already spent my entire evening trying to force something to happen, rather than go with the flow. It was obviously not happening and now I was out of time.

There’s always tomorrow I thought, as I showered, exhausted and climbed into bed.

It’s funny how, when we take the time to be still and quiet our busy minds, the higher self or intuition (YES, we all have it) will talk to you and nudge you in the right direction.

So what did mine say? It said “Hey, I know you want to fit everything in…. BUT maybe just sit in silence and DO nothing for a bit, or hang out in nature, which you LOVE, and do absolutely NOTHING - that will possibly give you the inspiration to do the things you really want to do, and to do them with purpose. Then you will be in the divine flow and everything you do will be effortless - just a thought”.

This wasn’t the first time I have received this message. I smiled because in the rush of wanting to fit everything in, I knew this was the thing that would feed my soul and give me the insight I didn’t know I needed. (again)

It’s a new day. There’s always room for growth and to learn to listen to our intuition, or, as I did, we can force everything and be frazzled. Our choice.

Today…. how did I spend it? Most of the day I enjoyed the kids and grand-baby, while spending time together outside. (Win Win) It was beautiful. Then spent an hour outside in the backyard, barefoot, silently enjoying nature.

Being barefoot on the ground - It’s called grounding or earthing - you can read about it if you are not aware, but spending time barefoot with your feet on the earth is healing. Benefits include reduced inflammation, better sleep quality, reduced pain, improved mood and well-being, enhanced immune function and it just feels peaceful…and yes it’s scientifically proven.

Just as promised…. I got inspiration for this blog.

“Write about your experience - it might help someone” my intuition nudged, and here you are - take it or leave it, but I had joy writing it. I also watched the most amazing dance of the sun glistening on the water, like watching the best fire works display on the 4th of July!

After an hour of watching the water, listening to the birds, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face, while the coolness of the breeze also hit my cheeks, I gazed at a tree in front of me that I’ve seen a million times and there was visibly a heart on it. Then another tree with a visible heart on it. Yet another sign from the universe, another confirmation of how we are always looked after and how synchronicities exist all around us, but we only see them when we have slowed down enough TO see. Unbelievable! God/Nature/Divine is so freaking amazing. In utter peace - I gave gratitude for this moment.

What a beautiful 24 hours, compared to the day before.

Worth noting: What we put our focus on increases. When I focused on the sparking of the sun on the water, it increased in intensity for a beautiful display of nothing more than spectacular and magical. (Did you know that it’s also scientific that what we focus on increases? Pretty cool huh?)

Try it and see for yourself - the next time you see the sun glistening and sparking on the water, intensely look at it and notice the increase.

Knowing this, consider joining me in becoming more aware of where we put our intentions. From what we’re doing to what we’re saying, both verbally and inside our head. Negative talk or Positive? Time well spent or wasted? No judgements here - just observe and be aware. In my awareness, I learned a lesson that Im sharing with you.

So misused time? The lesson was - there is no such thing as misused time, because we can always grow and learn from any situation. I had to have the misused time to learn that it’s ok (for me in this day) to do NOTHING and feel more satisfied than if I had crammed the day with STUFF, like the day before.

Cheers to you if you should decide to become one tiny bit more aware today. To take the time to be still and quiet enough to hear the voice of intuition.

I’ll be curious - for you - what does she say when she whispers?