What's next for you?

No doubt change is happening all around us.
The world is evolving …or more like erupting {for many} and that eruption is allowing us a chance to change anything that is no longer benefiting us.
So what’s next for YOU? And for that matter, how do you even know what’s best benefitting you or not? Often we are so caught up in our routine that we don’t even realize we are in something that looks like zombie mode, going through the motions and emotions completely unaware and unconscious.
We usually DO know the answers to everything we need to know. Deep inside, it’s there - call it intuition, call it God, Spirit, your higher self - regardless of what you call it - the answers are always inside and available.
We all have the ability to listen to that inner guidance…. and while we have the ability, we often don’t make or take the time to reflect in stillness long enough to shut out the outside chatter to hear our truest, non biased, inner voice - that still small voice that reflects our true innate wisdom.
So what IS next? For some - it’s time to take up a new hobby. Make a list of things that stir in your heart. Maybe create that bucket list and pick something new to experience…. today/this month/this year - or at least start looking into it.
YOU get to decide your fate and what lies ahead… you are, and have always been the author of your life. What is it dear one, that YOU need? And please know that self care is NOT selfish.
So again I ask….what’s next? For some it might be checking into that new exciting hobby, for others it may be exploring a new form of personal growth, and yet for others - it’s about the complete opposite….. rest and restoration. Yep that’s right - your action step may actually have NO action steps at all.
“Well now I’m confused” you say, “How do I know where to begin?”
While everyone is at a different place in their journey, there is no right or wrong - it’s all a learning experience. The only way to really know what direction is right for you is to be still…. ask yourself and wait on an answer to form. It may feel like eternity in the silence, but remember that innate wisdom that’s always available…. let’s see if we can find that.
“How?” you say. Again, there are many ways to get there - for many - nature is a great teacher - maybe you sit quietly in nature and just ponder all the thoughts that come and go. No spoken words… don’t do anything - just be in stillness…. and be there long enough to let the thoughts of the world dissipate…. just see, if in this stillness, you hear, see or feel anything arise?
If you choose to step into nature - consider getting lost in the trees, flowers, watching animals - anything that makes you happy and takes your mind off trying to find your answer. Just watch….listen and give gratitude for all that you see, feel, hear and experience. It’s often after this let down that your own answers emerge. I love picking weeds… I love being aware of the sun hitting my skin and warming it, or a cool breeze blowing across my face… find what you love, and choose to be in the moment.
Maybe you journal. Put a pen to paper - it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Free flow works amazing - jot down any thought you have. Or if you’re into structure - make a list of anything that you fancy - or anything you have a desire to know more about or experience. Maybe in this space, you connect with forgotten interests or create new ones.
Take a few deep breaths… clear your mind the best that you can and ask, without any opinion, a self reflecting questions like… Am I happy? What makes me happiest? If I could change anything in my life - what would it be? Is there something I have always wanted to learn or do, or somewhere I have always wanted to go or experience?
What would be on my “bucket list” and why am I waiting to experience all that life has to offer when I can experience it NOW?
We all know that tomorrow has no guarantee, no matter what our age.
This is your sign to remind you to live your life to the fullest today, in this very moment… and to do what makes YOU happy.
It’s a choice to live in the moment and to know/do the things that light up your soul and entire being.
Maybe you say “I have NO idea what that is”…. I get it …. A clue is to take the proper time with all the tips above, but also think of a time when you felt most yourself. What were you doing? A hint could be to notice the space where time disappears and you feel a feeling of rightness, content, happiness and most at peace.
When IS the last time you lost track of time because you were so engrossed in doing what you love?
This is not something to be forced … it happens organically - it’s who you are. It’s a remembering at the deepest level who you really are. This is your gift. It’s yours to discover and share.
Spirit is always speaking - it’s usually us humans that are not listening to that inner guidance - we are often too busy…or think we are, OR our minds intervene and try to rewrite the narrative based on either our own childhood wounds, or someone else’s forced opinion of what they think we should be.
Tip: You ARE Uniquely you - be the best, shiniest version of YOU. You have no one to impress - your soul journey is about you and what you are here to learn.
So Welcome… to the road less traveled. To the road of self loving discovery & purpose. The road where being still IS an answer. The road that leads to conscious thinking and conscious living, and it seems that all these roads always lead us back to LOVE… of self, the divine and others.
Ready. Set. Go. What’s your next step? Enjoy the self discovery, and let me know what new & exciting ventures, habits, gifts and hobbies you come up with!
In love & light,