When's the last time you got outside your bubble?

It's so easy to keep in the same circle of friends - do the same things day in and day out and not realize there is a world around you, outside that bubble that is hurting, confused and down right lost.
I know - it's cozy where you are - it's where the norm is - Life as usual.
That darn bubble can keep you encapsulated in your private life and the business world - you know - only associating with what you are familiar and comfortable with and nothing more.
Although outside that invisible "bubble" of yours and mine (Yes, I'm including myself here) is a world of exploration and eye opening experiences, and when you are in your bubble it's hard to see the real world outside of it.
Listen - I'm in a bubble quite often and stepping out of it these past few days while volunteering has created a new awareness that there's a big wide world out there , and in it, a lot of people who could use some encouragement.
This is where you fit in - I believe you have some talents and skills that can better the world one person at a time, and maybe you're using those talents now, but my guess is you are not - or at least not to the fullest potential.
Tips for getting outside your bubble:
- Expand your friend base. Get around people who are not like you - whether that's a different age group - different background - different line of work or maybe one that's complimentary to what you do - a different anything - it will open your eyes to people and other cultures, beliefs and a deeper understanding of people in general.
- Volunteer to help at an event. Maybe it's something that's of interest to you (A 5K coming up and they need help with registration or handing out water bottles to the runners) OR maybe it's a youth church event and they need help working the concession stand or assisting in an area that you have an expertise in - serve and serving with a smile.
- Be open and understanding. Realize that not all people are like you an think like you. Some are from broken homes - some loving - some faith based and some abusive, but people are people and everyone could use a friend.
- Encourage someone. A positive encouraging word along with listening to better understand someone is priceless. Yes a simple compliment can change someone's demeanor. Try it.
- Mentor someone - Maybe it's a young person needing guidance. Could be someone you work with who wants to learn more about what you do. (I do this often in my business when bringing on new team members - I can take them under my wing to show them the ropes because I've been in network marketing successful for over a decade, and because of the failures I've made, I can help them succeed quicker - if they're open and coachable of course.) Mentoring could even be being a role model for your children or a friend to look up to and learn from.
- Learn that you can minister to anyone anywhere. All this means is a compliment can change a persons outlook, mood and possibly their life. You don't know what anyone is going through and most of us are really good at hiding those issues deep inside, so make it a point to be nice even if you have to go out of your way - words can bring life. Simply care and take interest.
Just a few ways to get outside your bubble. How about you? Would love to hear about ways you have broken outside of your bubble and if you've had one of those ah ha moments - kind like the ones I have been having working with youth this week - those moments where you think different or realize theres so many people out there that need confidence, self esteem and guidance. Everyone needs a little love and encouragement - why not you be the one to give it. Just something to ponder.
More to come..... would love to hear topics that you need help with or would like to hear more about.