Not enough time in your 24 hours?

I don't have TIME. A common statement made by many - fess up - how many times have you used that statement this week?
"I would love to" ...... BUT there's not enough time in the day! STRESS is creeping in on us and we have to get it under control and learn to control our schedule and our time.
Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, yet some are productive and thrive, while others complain, are stuck, stressed and down right frustrated.
Tell me you haven't smiled and nodded at the saying "I need another day between Saturday and Sunday." I know we have all felt like that at some point.
Life is not meant to live for the weekend, but to enjoy every moment of every day.
What can you do?
- Control your schedule - mark your calendar ahead of time and let it be the things that you WANT to do or NEED to do. Schedule in family time, fun activities, along with business obligations. Do this ahead of time for the upcoming week so your week is less hectic.
- Learn to say NO to things that are not important or impactful.
- Spend time in the right places. Relationships are valuable and even 5 minutes of dedicated time with the right person is worth it's weight in Gold.
- Underlying belief about time - if you think you don't have enough and keep saying it - it will be true. Use time wisely. Evaluate - where am I waisting time? TV? Social Media? Procrastination? then redirect that time.
- Know that there is never a perfect time for anything - if you are waiting on that perfect moment to take that vacation, start a new business, invest in this or that - it doesn't happen without you being intentional.
May time be on your side as you learn to take control of it, lessen stress and do more of what makes you happy.