Blind Climber WAIT..What!?!

Ok so this is not a pic of Mt. Everest - still it's a beautiful mountain peak and to make it to the top of it would be amazing if you COULD see, and crazy impressive if you could not, but why stop here when there's so much more possible.
I had the pleasure of hearing for the second time, Mr. Erik Weihenmayer speak. Erik is an amazing man who lost his vision when he was a teenager and has defied all odds since. He's a hope and inspiration to others through his program No Barriers, which takes on the mission to unleash the potential of the human spirit.
Listening to his adventures of the climb and even more recently kayaking the Grand Canyon while blind was nothing short of super hero, inspirational stuff that warriors and great movies are made of, yet Erik insists it's nothing special.
Just because you have a limitation, doesn't mean you can not achieve your goals. Just because you experience set backs, doesn't mean you have to quit. If anyone could have quit - it would have been this man. Find hope in that. Continue on. Keep on keeping on.
How about we let ourselves off the hook. How about we forgive where we have given in, given up or made excuses for ourselves and how about we just dare to dream that life can be anything we want it to be.